What's New?
Introductions to Capability Security
A series of narrated presentations about capability security, on the
desktop, in distributed systems, and in peer-to-peer applications. These
presentations are designed to show what capability security looks like
from a user perspective -- including a demonstration of CapDesk, our
capability-secure desktop.
A Security Analysis of the Combex
DarpaBrowser Architecture
by David Wagner and Dean Tribble
This Darpa sponsored review of the Combex DarpaBrowser architecture concludes
by saying:
We wish to emphasize that the web browser exercise was a very
difficult problem. It is at or beyond the state of the art in security,
and solving it seems to require invention of new technology. If anything,
the exercise seems to have been designed to answer the question: Where
are the borders of what is achievable? The E capability architecture
seems to be a promising way to stretch those borders beyond what was
previously achievable, by making it easier to build security boundaries
between mutually distrusting software components. In this sense,
the experiment seems to be a real success. Many open questions remain,
but we feel that the E capability architecture is a promising direction
in computer security research and we hope it receives further attention.
[emphasis added]