The CapDesk product will come bundled with the critical minimal collection
of office applications needed for users to start operations: a text editor,
web browser, mail tool, word processor, and spreadsheet. The web browser,
which will be based on the browser already under development for the DARPA
effort, will support the execution of E caplets,
the E variant of the java applet that combines power, flexibility,
security, and simplicity in a fashion not possible for the traditional
applet. Power users can still use their favorite Microsoft application
using a VMWare compatibility box, which we may bundle or which the user
may acquire separately.

CapDesk running on a Linux kernel, with standard Windows applications
running in a VMWare virtual machine, a Windows Compatibility Box
Combex will develop a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
for E development. This product is critical to enabling
diverse developers from diverse fields to achieve high levels of productivity
building out the capability-secure applications needed to make CapDesk
a productive space for all users.
This IDE will include traditional components such as a context-sensitive
browser and an integrated compiler. The IDE will also incorporate a critical
enhancement to a traditional IDE component: a source-level distributed
debugger specifically designed to enable the debugging of programs that
run across multiple processors.